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Internet Change Life, Chinese Backstreet Boy

Do you know Backstreet Boy? Do you know Chinese Backstreet Boy lip singing video? They are two Chinese college students. Their funny MV is very popular on the internet, and they got a commercial contract from Pepsi Co., Inc. Their story appair on many countries' news station and TV including China, Taiwan, US, and Australia. Their MV on Google video and Youtube clicks over million. Some people copy their singing style and posted online. Internet makes miracle, and changed their life.

你知道“後街男孩”演唱組合嗎?你知道網絡上號稱“中國後街男孩”對嘴演唱小組嗎?表演者黃藝馨和韋炜,他們是廣州美院雕刻系2002級的學生。當他們的MV在網絡上暴紅後更是得到了百事可樂的代言人的合同。有關他們的搞笑MV不僅在網絡上走紅,而且在不少國家的新聞媒體上出現,中國大陸、台灣、美國和澳洲的電視台都報道過。他們的MV在Google videoYoutube上的點擊率更是高居不下。更有不少人模仿他們的風格發布自己的MV。網絡創造奇迹,網絡改變人生。

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