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Connect your media file anywhere

Orb takes the home out of home entertainment! Orb offers Web-based service streams music, video, and photos from your Windows XP PC (system required) to other Web-connected devices, including any notebook, many PDAs (generally including PocketPCs, but not Palms), and Microsoft Smartphone cell phones. If your home PC has a TV tuner, you can even watch live television on your portable device.
You can set up a free account, and download and install the Orb application on the PC that will be hosting your files.After login your ID and passward you can use Personalize Orb
to find your media file in your home PC by your call phone,PDA,or other Web-connected devices, if your PC has a TV tuner, you can watch live or recorded TV. You can enjoy your media file with your cell phone,PDA,PocketPC by Orb anywhere. Sounds good?
Orb提供一种特殊的服务,它可以让你使用任何可以上网的东西(如手提电脑、手机、PDA)连接到你在家中电脑(系统要求Windows XP)上的多媒体文件(照片、影相文件、音乐文件),如果你的电脑有电视连接卡也可以用来看实况电视节目。
你可以建一个免费的帐户,然后下载和安装Orb的软件,它能连接到你家中的电脑。在提供了用户名和密码后便能通过Personalize Orb看到你存在家中电脑里的多媒体文件,如果你的电脑有电视连接卡也可以用来看现场电视节目。你可以用你的手提电脑、手机、PDA在任何地方通过Orb来调阅你的多媒体文件。听上去不错吧?

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