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Some Nice Email Servers

As many people have some email accounts,me too. Hotmail,Yahoo,and Gmail,these email servers are very similar.Today I don't want talk about them,I just want talk about some email servers whom are very nice looking and good functions they have.
Laszlo Mail is a nice email server, it offers demo web email service now.Laszlo Mail built on its open source platform,it allows users to easily sort, drag and drop and keep track of contacts all on one, easy-to-use screen.Very nice looking.Free offers 10BM space now. Earthlink new vision web email is using Laszlo Mail server.

Another new email is Goowy Mail.It is a flash based email application,it is very good looking and useful. It was offered small space when it was opening,but now it is update to 2GB space for free user.Goowy is alos offers Desktop Client for user download, it has RSS, Google Search, Google Local, Flickr, IceRocket Blog Search, Games--and it seemlessly integrates with Goowy for instant notification of new e-mails and upcoming calendar events.

Download Goowy Desktop Client click below picture.

与不少人一样我也有一些电子邮箱,如Hotmail,Yahoo,and Gmail,这些老牌邮件服务商大多相似.今天我不谈他们,而要谈谈一些新的而且富有创新的电子邮件服务商。
Laszlo Mail是一个非常不错的邮件服务商,它现在提供测试版的在线邮件服务。Laszlo Mail的邮件服务是用它自己的开放平台来创建的,它可以让用户非常方便快捷地在一个界面上更改、拖拉和删除,如同桌面那样超作。非常干静漂亮的感觉。免费用户可以得到10MB的空间。Earthlink的新版在线邮件服务也是用Laszlo Mail的服务。
另一个是Goowy Mail。它是用flash应用技术,非常漂亮和实用。刚开始的时候它只用100BM空间,现在它对免费用户的空间升级到2GB。Goowy还提供桌面客户平台下载,里面包括RSS, Google SearchGoogle LocalFlickrIceRocket Blog Search、和游戏等等。Goowy还会完善日历和邮件通知。

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