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Google Translate Into Your Google Personalized Homepage

I read an article which talk about how to use Google Personalized Homepage API to add Google Translate in to your Google Personalized Homepage.It is interesting!It is also good and useful for Google Personalized Homepage users.Some steps below:
Login your Google Personalized Homepage account if you have Gmail ID.Click the “Add Content” link at the top-left of the page,on the bar that expands out,look down to see "Create a Section",put this address into "Search by topic or feed URL" line,then click "Go".After you did all the Google Translate module should appear on your Google Personalized Homepage at once.Anyway,you can add other content to it.

我在部落格上看到一篇有关用Google Personalized Homepage API来加入Google Translate到你的Google Personalized Homepage中的文章。很有兴趣。对Google Personalized Homepage的用户来说也很有用。具体步骤如下:
如果你有Gmail的帐户就可以在Google Personalized Homepage上登陆,然后点击左上方的“Add Content”,拉开菜单后往下找到"Create a Section"这一栏,在"Search by topic or feed URL"的框内输入,然后点击"Go"即可。完成这些后Google的翻译模块会出现在你的Google个人主页上。当然你也可以加入其他一些有用的个性化的东西。

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