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Make Your Collaborative Site With Wetpaint

Wetpaint offers space for people create their own Wetpaint sites, they are "click-and-type" websites that are easy to start and even easier to expand, because you can invite anyone you like to add text, photos, links, and other content to your Wetpaint site. To add or edit content, all you need to do is click the EasyEdit button to activate an editing toolbar similar to what you'd see in programs like Microsoft Word. Then just start typing!

Wetpaint提供空間讓用戶建立自己的Wetpaint網站,他們是“點擊和輸入”型的網站,非常容易使用和擴展,因爲你可以讓別人參與制作你的Wetpaint網站,如加入文字、圖片、連接和別的。你所需要做的事只要使用EasyEdit鍵就可以簡單地編輯網站,如同運用Microsoft Word一樣。

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