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Zapr, Really Simple Sharing

Zapr is an application which lets you create links to any files on your PC. You can then send these links to friends (via email or IM) and they can get the files directly from your computer via their browser. No file size restrictions. No uploading. No attachments. No payment. Zapr requires Windows XP with .Net Framework 2.0.

Zapr是一個網絡運用程式,它讓你用超連接到你的電腦。你可以將超連接用email或即時通訊客戶端發給你的朋友,他們可以用浏覽器來下載。沒有文件大小的限制,沒有附件,不用上傳,而且免費。Zapr需要Windows XP和.Net Framework 2.0。

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