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FLV Online Converter

If you downloaded some videos from some social video sites such as Google Video, Youtube, maybe you do not have a special player for play FLV video that most video sites used now. Do not worry, you can use FLV Online Converter to convert FLV file to some comment media file such as AVI, MP4, MP3. Even you do not need download media file first, you put that video's address onto the bar, and click "Start".

如果你下載一些來自共享影像網站如:Google VideoYoutube上的影像文件後,是否爲播放這些FLV格式的文件而發愁?現在不必擔心了,FLV Online Converter可以幫助你在線轉制成一些通常的影像文件格式如:AVI, MP4, MP3。你也無需先下載影像文件,而是直接將網頁上的影像文件地址輸入到搜索條上,然後點擊“開始”即可

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