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Smart Shopping Online

Kulist is a nice shopping comparison site, that lets you compare price in different site while you shopping online. It offers a browser tool, that is a bookmarklet, easy to add on browser, just one click it will show you the prices from different sites. If you register Kulist, you can also earn money back and save money after you buy something.

Offertrax is another nice site that helps you keep shopping online tracking. With it, you can store, compare and receive price alerts for the products that you interested. Offertrax is also good for online businessman, it can helps you analyse visitor on your site.


Offertrax则是另一个出色的网站,它帮助你保持你网络购物后的价格资料记录。用它你可以储存、比较、和收到一些你感兴趣的产品信息和价格变化。 Offertrax同时也适用于网络销售网站,它可以帮助分析来访者的信息。

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