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MailEmotion,Video Email Service

Mail Emotion is a web service that allows you send a video email with webcam. Very easy to use it, just turn on your webcam, it will ask you to get permission. Choose "Allow", your video will appear on screen. Now, you are recording. Then, write recipient email address. You can add some text to your video mail, click "next". Last step is send video mail. Mail Emotion also allows you upload a video, then send it with your email. Anything is simple, even no register required.

Mail Emotion是一个网络服务,它可以让你用电子邮件来发送网络摄像头视频。非常容易操作,只要打开你的摄像头,它会问你是否允许使用你的摄像头,点击“允许”, 你的视频就会出现在屏幕上。现在,你处在录制状态中。然后写下接收人邮件地址,还可以加入其他文字,点“下一步”。最后便是发送邮件。Mail Emotion还允许你上传视频文件,然后用电子邮件发送它。一些都很简单,甚至不需要注册。它也有中文版以方便中文用户。

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