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Professional Documents Sharing Flatform

Something in your life seems never needed but when you need it one day you could not find it at once. Docstoc is an online community which offers a flatform for people post, share, search, upload and download professional documents. You can check different documents by sort, such as Legal, Business, Technology, Educational, and Creative. If you have professional documents you can upload them, Docstoc is supporting doc, .pdf, .xls, .ppt, .ppt, .txt now. you can also store your files on its server. If you could not find document that you needed, you can request it in the future, just click on the request tab, and add the title, tags, categories, language, and file type of any document that you are looking for. When someone upload that kind of file, Docstoc will send email to remind you. It is useful for someone who need professional document such as Web Development Agreement for you want hire a web designer for your website. I found some contracts are very useful.

有些东西你一辈子也用不上,但一旦要用时却不能马上找到。Docstoc是一个在线社区,它提供一个平台让人们分享专业的文件,可以发布、上传、下载、分享、搜索这些文件。你可以根据不同的类别来查找你想要的文件,如:法规、商业、技术、教育和创造。如果你有专业的文档的话也可以上传,目前Docstoc支持doc, .pdf, .xls, .ppt, .ppt, .txt格式文件。你也可以将你的文件储存在它的服务器上,如果你没有发现你想要的文件的话,可以提出请求,只要点击请求按钮,写下标题、标签、类别、语言和文件格式即可。当有人上传这样的文件时,Docstoc会发电子邮件通知你。它非常适合一些需要专业文件的人,如你想雇用一个网站设计师来设计你的网站时可以找到Web Development Agreement(网站开发合同)。我在那里发现一些合同非常有用。

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