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Skype Became Wireless

Skype released its mobile phone that called 3 Skypephone. It looks like regular mobile phone, it can do calling, send text message, or take picture (with camera). On the keyboard there has a big Skype button, just press it to start making free calls and send instant messages on Skype. So next time you do not need sit on front PC to use Skype to call your friends, you can carry it to call them anywhere. Call Skype user is free. The main feature: with 3G, a 2-megapixel camera, mp3 player, mobile TV and internet.
According to official site, 3 Skypephone already on market in UK, and some other countries will coming soon, including Australia, Italy, Hong Kong, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, and Ireland.
I did not see U.S on the coming soon list, I am not sure if 3 Skypephone plan on U.S market in the future. I really want see how does it work but the website does say anything in this way.

Skype推出了它的手机-3 Skypephone。它看上去与别的手机一样,可以打电话、发送短信和拍照(带有相机)。在手机面板的键盘上有一个Skype大按钮,只要按下这个按钮就可以在Skype上打电话、发送即时消息。所以下一次你就不用坐在电脑前使用Skype来给你朋友打电话了。你可以携带它在任何地方使用。Skype用户之间的通话是免费的。主要功能:3G、附有二百万像素的相机、MP3播放器、移动电视和连接英特网。
据它的官方网站上说,3 Skypephone已经在英国上市,另外有一些国家也即将上市,包括:澳大利亚、意大利、香港、瑞典、丹麦、奥地利和爱尔兰。

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