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Some Hot Links

Scrnshots - a website that offers a space for you store your screenshots. You can upload, link your screenshots unlimited.

Shiptool - is an online tool that helps you calculate shipping price and track your stuff via different shipping companies, included UPS, FedEx, USPS, DHL. It seems only for US, Canada.

Zupme - a new messaging service that allows you send message cross some different social networks.

Iradeo - a free online radio platform that allows you steam your MP3 or WAV files. You need download a client from that site, and share your music with other people.

Scrnshots - 提供一个空间让你储存屏幕截图。你可以无限制地上传、链接你的屏幕截图。

Shiptool - 一个在线工具,它可以帮助你计算和追踪不同快递公司的费用和形迹,包括UPS, FedEx, USPS, DHL。它的服务好象仅限于美国和加拿大。

Zupme - 一个新的网络通讯服务网站,你可以使用它发送消息给一些社会性网络网站。

Iradeo - 一个免费在线电台平台,它可以即时播放你的MP3和WAV文件。你需要从该网站上下载一个客户端,这样就可以与他人分享你的音乐。

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