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Useful Online Tools

Vuzit - it is an online document viewer that that allows you upload or link a document file for opening, but it only supports a few common formats.

Wigflip - a nice site that offers some nice online image tools, such as you can use these tools to make animated text icon, scrolling typewriter text, street sign picture. It is really fun. One looks like that below.

Click Pass - an online password manager that lets you use OpenID account to enter several popular websites, such as Hotmail, Yahoo, Google, Facebook. Only use one password to enter several sites.

Befunky - an online image editor that allows you add some fun characters to your photo, such as sketch and color your cartoon.

Pic Shadow - another online image editor that helps you add a shadow to your photo. It looks like that below.

Vuzit - 是一个在线文件查看器,它让你上传或连接一个在线文档文件将其打开。但是它仅仅支持主要的文档文件格式。

Wigflip - 一个不错的网站,它提供一些有趣的工具让你制作一些有趣的图标,如制作滚动文字图标、动画文字图标、个人街牌等。

Click Pass - 一个在线密码管理器,它可以让你使用OpenID账户进入多个热门网站,如Hotmail, Yahoo, Google, Facebook。一个密码进入多个网站。

Befunky - 一个在线图片编辑工具,可让你在图片上添加一些个性化的东西,如动画、素描等。

Pic Shadow - 另一个在线图片编辑器,可让你在图片框架上添加阴影。

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