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AlwaysVPN, A Free VPN (Closed Register)

People want hide their real IP address while they surf online that cause privacy, we do not want somebody track our online behaviors. Another reason for some people who live in some countries they want enter some websites are blocked in their own country. So we need some proxies for surfing online, we can hide our IP, and enter some websites that we wanted. If you are a geek you know how to do, anonymous proxy, special anonymous software like Tor, JAP, Gpass, Freegate or other similar software, or you can use web based proxy to hide your real IP. But for most people, these software seem a little bit difficult, if a software which easy to use without configuration that should be best.

I think VPN (virtual private network) is a best way to hide your IP address for most people, because it is easy to setup without configuration. You can always use it if the server keep running, you do not need update anything. But only problem is it is hard to find free VPN server. Hotspot Shield is a good free VPN server but it has some limited. Now, a new VPN server has launch that called AlwaysVPN.

AlwaysVPN offers a free service that you can use it unlimited. It is easy to setup and start running. This is a brand new service that still in early beta. You can download a client, after installed it will stay in system tray on right bottom of screen. You can use right-click on icon, pick a server from context menu. Try open your browser to test if it working. Actually, you do not need to change anything. You will free surf online without leave your real IP.

Update: A reader told me AlwaysVPN is closed free user register, I test my free account it is still works. Maybe it stops register free users.

人们在上网的时候总想隐藏自己的真实IP地址,这是因为隐私问题,我们都不想让别人跟踪自己的网络形迹。还有另一种原因,在有些国家实行网络管制,人们不能自由地浏览某些网站。这样我们就需要寻找一些匿名代理服务器,来隐藏IP或者进入某些网站。对一个GEEK来说,这都不是什么问题,你可以使用匿名代理,尤其是一些匿名浏览软件,如Tor, JAP, Gpass, Freegate,以及其他一些类似的软件,或者是使用在线匿名浏览服务器来隐藏IP。但对普通网民来说这些软件有点复杂,如果有一个软件非常容易使用,而且不需要配置的话就太好了。

我认为对一般网民来说使用VPN (虚拟个人网络)是一个最好的方法,它不但可以隐藏IP匿名浏览网站,而且非常容易安装和使用。如果服务器正常运转的话它可以一直使用,无需配置和更新。但有一个问题,很难发现一个免费的VPN服务器,Hotspot Shield就是一个不错的免费VPN服务器,但它对免费用户有流量限制。现在,有一个新的免费VPN服务器开始运转,它叫AlwaysVPN



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