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Create A Best Online Translator

If you are learning second language or you can speak several languages, I guess you have at least one dictionary. I have several dictionaries and always check an online dictionary while I translate something. For most people who do not know other language they always like use robot translator by some web translation services, like Google Translation, World Lingo, Windows Live Translator. I think it helps but not at all, most time you can only guess a simple meaning. If you looking for a human translator to translate your documents you have pay some money.

Jollo is an online translation community, it also offers an online translation platform which compares to some online translator’s results, like Google Translation, World Lingo, Windows Live Translator, Yahoo Babelfish, Fanyi Youdao, SDL. Jollo does not has own translator, but it offers a place for users who use multil-language can help translate it.

This is a very good concept, like a translation wiki, so in other word it is a free human translator. But it also has a problem that translators have different levels, for most people they do not know what is best one. Another problem is some people abused this service, they put junk there.

如果你在学习另一种语言,或者你能说多种语言的话,我想你肯定至少有一种字典,我自己就有几种字典,在我翻译文章的时候还常常使用网络字典。对大多数不懂第二种语言的人来说,他们更多是使用网络翻译服务,如Google Translation, World Lingo, Windows Live Translator。我想他们可以起到一些帮助,但并不完全,大多数时候你只能猜测大意。如果你要找人来翻译你的文件的话就需要支付一笔费用。

Jollo是一个在线翻译社区,它也提供一个翻译平台,比较不同的网络翻译结果,如Google Translation, World Lingo, Windows Live Translator, Yahoo Babelfish, 有道翻译, SDLJollo并没有自己的翻译机,但它提供一个地方可以让那些懂多种语言的人可以帮助翻译。


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