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Use A Small Sftware Litsen To Internet Radio

Do you like listen to internet radio while you surfing online? We can find thousands radio of stations play program on internet, if you love radio station that is very good resource. The best point is you can listen different radio stations around the world.

Radio Sure is a small software that allows you to listen and record internet radio program, it has a package that covers more than 12000 of radio stations around the world. It supports most of the internet radio formats - mp3, wma, ogg vorbis, aac+ and so on. If you know a new internet radio station you can dd it into software. It is a nice software, especially it has a portable version, you can play it on your UBS drive. It is very cool.

You can download it on this page, it is a free software.


Radio Sure是一个很小的软件,它可以用来收听和录制网络电台的节目,它组合了超过1万2千个网络电台,支持大多数网络电台的播放格式,如mp3, wma, ogg vorbis, aac+等等。如果你知道一个新的电台的话,也可以添加到软件中。这是一个不错的软件,尤其它还有一个便携版,你可以安装在U盘中进行播放。非常酷!


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