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Make Free International Phone Call With Jaxtr

If you live in big city in your country, and have some friends or family live in other country, maybe this post is good for you. Today, I would like tell you a good news that you can make international phone call for free.

Jaxtr is a social communications company, it offers a plan that unlimited free international phone call between some countries. This calling is phone to phone, you do not have to install any software into your computer. Only you have to use computer is in the beginning. On main page you have to fill your phone number and destination phone number, click "Get Jaxtr Number" button. It will give you a local phone number, so you can call this local number, after that you can follow prompt steps to dial destination number, wait it connected you can talk to each other.

This free phone call service is not for all countries, it is only for some countries (over 50 countries) that Jaxtr supported. You can check this list, between these countries you can make phone call for free.


Jaxtr是一个社会性交流公司,它提供一个可以在某些国家免费拨打国际电话的计划。该计划是通过电话对电话的方式,并不需要在电脑中安装任何软件。唯一使用电脑是在开始阶段,在它的主页上输入你使用的电话号码,以及对方的电话号码。点击"Get Jaxtr Number"按钮,它会给你一个当地号码,你可以使用电话来拨打这个当地号码,跟随里面的提示进行拨打对方的电话,稍等片刻后它会连接,这样你就可以交谈了。


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