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Some Useful Disposable Email Services

Dispostable - you can take any ID or pick up a random ID with It will keep your emails in server two days, after that it will delete them.

Trashmail - you can create a temporary email with multiple domains, setup limited time or forward number, it will forward email to your real address in that time that you made. After that your temporary mail address will be deleted.

Yopmail - you can create and use any ID check mail with, or some other alternate domains. After you have a temporary email, you can use an alias address that could not access your temporary email account.

Mailinnator - you can use any ID create and check your temporary email with or It will give you an alias address, a web page that you can access, or you can use RSS to read emails.

Mintemail - it creates a random email address for you, only keeps three hours, after that all mails will be deleted.

Meltmail - lets you create a temporary email address with, it will forward to your real email address in three hours.

Tempinbox - create a temporary email with multiple domains, check email on website or use RSS.

Anonymbox - another temporary email service, it keeps emails 24 hours.

Spambox - it lets you to create a temporary email address that will forward to your real email account. You can set up a timer, after that it will delete your temporary account.

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