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Imeem, Instant Messenger Online

Imeem is a new online service that lets you easily communicate with your friends and family and find new people and groups over the internet. Imeem is an all-in-one instant messenger, it lets you access to all of your IM services including AIM®, Yahoo®, MSN®, and GoogleTalk®. The Imeem service is available through our website and also through a more powerful software download. After you download Imeem software you can share your media and recommend new music, films and video to friends; Store and share photos; send instant messages; Create and share blogs; Find new friends and form public and private groups. These are all free.

Imeem是一個在線服務網站,它讓你更方便容易地運用網絡與你的家人和朋友進行交流。它是一個集多種即時通訊器為一體的即時通訊軟件和網站,你可以通過它來進入別的即時服務器如:AIM®, Yahoo®, MSN®, GoogleTalk®。它適用於網站和軟件,當你下載它的軟件後,你可以與你的朋友共享和推薦你的多媒體文件如:新的音樂、電影、影像文件;儲存和共享照片;發送即時消息;創建和分享blog;發現新的朋友和加入公共或私人團體。這些全部是免費的。

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