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MapBuilder,Build Your Own Google Map

MapBuilder is an Web2.0 service or rapid mashup development tool to build custom Google and Yahoo maps without any knowledge of the Google/Yahoo Maps API and JavaScript. MapBuilder provides a decent visual interface for the map building process with geocoding and import features. Also MapBuilder lets users tag locations on their maps, and then publish the map either on MapBuilder or their own website.

MapBuilder是一個Web2.0服務網站或是一個快速集合的開發工具,它可以讓你無需任何有關Google和Yahoo Maps的API、JavaScript知識也可以建立自己的在線地圖。它提供合適的visual界面來幫助你建立地圖。它讓用戶用標簽在地圖上標明當地所在位置,並發布在MapBuilder上或者用戶的個人網站上。

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