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How Can We Trust BitTorrent Sites

How can we trust BitTorrent sites? Recently, an anti-sharing company MediaDefender leeks a massive email, almost 700MB of confidential memos were released onto BitTorrent. The problem is these emails have some pieces tell us about some BitTorrent sites or trackers are fakes. Do you have this experience that after you finished download you found it is fake site? MediaDefender judges different BitTorrent sites, some site are very good, such as Mininova, The Pirate Bay, they are most trust. But you never to trust these site: BiteNova, BushTorrent, TorrentPortal, IsoHunt, Meganova. So be careful while you download file from these kind of sites.
Here is the complete list based on the results for "Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer", courtesy of TorrentFreak (higher percentages are worse):

Source from Digital Alchemy.

我们如何相信变态下载网站?近来反盗版公司MediaDefender内部电子邮件的泄漏案倒出了不少秘密。问题是这些邮件中的蛛丝马迹向我们表明有些变态下载网站是假货。你是否有这样的经验,当你下载完一个文件后才发现它是假的。MediaDefender判断不同的变态下载网站,有些非常不错,如:Mininova, The Pirate Bay,他们是完全可以信任的。而有些则是地道的假货,如:BiteNova, BushTorrent, TorrentPortal, IsoHunt, Meganova。所以在你从这些网站下载文件前最好要小心。

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