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Upload Files With Firefox Extension

Do you upload pictures, videos or documents often? Do you have bad experience that host only allows you upload a few files once time? If you use Firefox to browse website maybe you can use a small tool to speed up upload. Firefox Universal Uploader is a Firefox extension that lets you to upload or download files from any website using a friendly interface. Upload files,photos,videos to Flickr, Picasa, Youtube,, Facebook, Webshots and OmniDrive. With it you can upload any number of files by queuing them up in the uploader, looks like normal ftp client, and also you can upload files to multiple web sites using a single interface. This small tool only 151KB. Next version that will surport more websites.

你常常上传文件吗?你有这样的经验?寄存网站只允许你一次上传少数的文件。如果你是用Firefox浏览器的话就可以使用一个小工具来解决这个问题。Firefox Universal Uploader是一个Firefox浏览器的扩展件,它可以让你从任何网站上上传和下载文件。上传照片、视频、或文件到Flickr, Picasa, Youtube,, Facebook, Webshots and OmniDrive,就如一般ftp客户端那样。用它也可以一次上传无数文件,他们会依次排对等候上传,同时它也可以用一个界面上传多个网站。这个小工具只有151KB。新的版本会支持更多的网站。

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