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Dixero, Listen Blog Via RSS Feeds

Dixero is a website that offers a tool you can use it to listen to your favorite RSS feeds directly online. You can listen it with your computer, portable device, like iPod. The interesting point is you can use Dixero turn any text blog into a podcast. It is not open to public but already doing countdown for opening, it should be on January 14th, 2008. Now, you can ask an invitation for join it, or try listen public channel which created by Dixero.

Dixero是一个网络服务网站,它提供一个工具让用户使用RSS feeds在线收听文章。你可以用电脑或其他的便携式装置如iPod来收听。令人感兴趣的是,它可以通过RSS feeds将任何文字blog转为一个podcast。现在它并没有对外开放,不过已经是倒计时了,应该在明年一月十四号正式运转。你可以提出邀请请求,或到它建立的公共频道上收听一些blog。

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