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Simkl, Instant Message Saver

Do you use instant messengers such as AIM, MSN, Yahoo messenger? Do you think about to save all conversations from them? If you want to do that maybe Simkl fit you, because it can save your conversations on a web server. The advantage is it does not need download software, but it also bring something about security and privacy. Simkl still is a beta so you need an invitation for register. I did not register so I do not know more detail about this online service. If you are interesting about it you can leave email address there.

你使用即时通讯软件吗?如AIM, MSN, Yahoo messenger。你想保存所有的对话吗?如果你想的话Simkl可能适合你,因为它可以将你的所有对话保存在一个网站上。它的优势点是你不需要下载任何软件,但同时也带来的担心是安全与英隐私问题。Simkl仍然还处于测试期,你需要一个邀请才能注册。我并没有注册所以对它的服务细节并不了解,如果你对此感兴趣的话可以在该网站上留下邮件地址。

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