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Color Tabs In Firefox

Colorfultabs is a free add-on for Mozilla Firefox, it customizes the color of each tabbed window when you open a tab in Firefox.
Main features:

# Beautiful colours - A beautiful in-built colour palette.
# Unique Colours - Colour each tab with a different colour for easy differentiation.
# Colours by site domain - Colour each tab depending on its server/domain for identifying the website.

Another good point is you can customize color for tabs that you wanted, enhance tab highlighting, and more options.
Direct download ColorfulTabs for Mozilla Firefox 2.x or later.

Colorfultabs是一个Mozilla Firefox浏览器的添加插件,它可以订制窗口的颜色,当你打开一个网站时不同的小窗口会有不同的颜色。
# 美丽的颜色 - 内置颜色调色板
# 唯一的颜色 - 不同的小窗口有不同的颜色
# 不同的域名显示不同的颜色 - 用不同的颜色代表不同的域名

直接下载ColorfulTabs,要求Firefox 2.0以上版本。

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