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Setup Your Own Instant Chatting Room

Vawkr is an online application that allows you setup an instant or permanent chatting room, you can use it to talk to your friends online without any software.

The temporary chatting room is very easy, you do not need register, just click Grab a room button, it gives you an individual address, that shows your webcam and another one that for your friend. If you want invite him just send this web address to him. You guys can use webcam or text chat to each other.

The permanent chatting room that you need register an account, that allows you put your chatting room onto your blog or other social network site like Facebook, Myspace.

It is an interesting service. If you like you can take a look.


临时聊天室非常容易,你并不需要注册,直接点击Grab a room按钮就可以得到一个独立的网址,上面可显示你和你的朋友的网络探头。如果你想邀请你的朋友的话可以将那个网址发给他。这样你们就可以使用视频、音频和文字来聊天。

永久聊天室是指你可以拥有它,这需要注册。你可以将你的聊天室粘贴在你的blog,或其他的社会性网络网站上,如Facebook, Myspace


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