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FileQube, A Free Online Storage

I think we have too much online storage, online sharing, online backup or whatever calling these sites, it is good for users who need extra space for store their files. I like online storage site especially free one, I can store some media files which I do not want save them in my computer.

File Qube is one of them, it offers online storage for free, even you do not need register if you just want store your file only temporary purpose. The good point is both two methods are all free: basic and advanced. Only difference is Advanced that plan need register.

If you want take Advanced plan you will get 2GB space and unlimited time for using, and upload 500BM single file. You can use web manager to organize your file, secure your file, or share your file. If you have a big file need to sharing with other people. I think that is a good service for you.


File Qube就是其中的一个在线储存网站,它提供免费的空间,如果你只想暂时使用的话甚至不必注册。它有两种方案可以选择:基本型和改进型。唯一不同的是如果你选择改进型的话就必须注册。


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