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Some Interesting Links

Some interesting links.
Secrettweet - lets you post anonymous secrets to Twitter. I am mot crazy about Twitter but some people are.

Super Screen Shot - take whole web page snapshot for you.

Logoease - lets you make professional logo easy and free.

Maord - an online tool that helps you make password.

WikiFm - A site combined wiki and An interesting site, while browse wiki and listen to radio.

Secrettweet - 让你匿名向Twitter发布你的秘密。我对Twitter不感冒但很多人却很感兴趣。

Super Screen Shot - 可以对网页截屏。

Logoease - 让你简单制作专业的logo,而且免费。

Maord - 一个在线工具,可以帮你制作密码。

WikiFm - 一个将维基和last.fm电台结合在一起的网站,可以在收听last.fm网络电台音乐的同时查看维基中相关的介绍。

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