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Filemail, Help You Send Big File

File Mail is a new site that helps you to send big file. It is not special, like other this kind service, you can upload big file to its server, then it will send an email with a download link to receivers.

File Mail is a site that based on Norway, you can free use its server to send up to 2GB file. It also encrypts your file, and allows multi-download.

I have never use it before, I do not know why it also has premium account that need pay $2.91. You can use it free without register, why you need a payment account?

File Mail是一个新网站,它帮助你发送一些大文件。这并不新鲜,和其他这样类似的网站一样,你可以上传文件到它的服务器,然后它会向收件人发送一封附有下载链接的邮件。

File Mail是一家挪威网站,你可以免费使用至2GB的文件。它会对文件加密发送,允许多人下载。


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