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Gonaomi, A Biggest But Worst Online Dictionary

Recently, I found a website Gonaomi that called itself biggest online dictionary. I was surprising it offers about 30 different dictionaries that cross many languages that included English, Chinese, Arabic, Japanese, Russian, Tagalog, French, Czech, Irish, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Finnish, Portuguese, Slovak, and other. This website based on Poland, that why I was so surprising, I knew many different dictionaries which cross several languages but no any one from Poland. I thought maybe that is web 2.0 site and mashed up lots of dictionaries.

After I try Gonaomi, I used English/Chinese and English/Japanese dictionary, it lets me shock. I have never see this kind of dictionary before, it was terrible! I used English/Japanese dictionary, type in Japan, the result was nothing. I also used English/Chinese dictionary, type in Love, the result was a little bit better: several words are right but number seven that translated Love = Spring in Chinese, after that rest results I have no idea what it did. Several results say Love = Same.

I do not know about other language, I do not think that is a reliable dictionary. Maybe this is a biggest online dictionary, but also a worst dictionary.

近来,我在网上发现一个自称为最大的在线字典Gonaomi,我很惊讶它提供近30种字典包括各种不同的语言,不仅有英语,还有其他一些不同的语种如:中文、阿拉伯语、日语、法语、荷兰语、捷克语、芬兰语、斯洛伐克语、俄语等等。这个网站位于波兰,我知道不少在线字典但从来没有听说过任何一家来自波兰。我想这大概是一家web 2.0网站,它可能融合了多家字典。

我试用了一下Gonaomi,我使用的是英/中字典、英/日字典,它的确让我大吃一惊。我从来也没有见过这样的字典,简直是糟透了!首先我使用的是英/日字典,输入Japan后竟然没有任何答案。然后我使用英/中字典,输入Love,结果比前面的要好一些,开始的答案还算可以,但第七个答案是Love=, 后面的答案更令人摸不上头脑,还几个答案是Love=相同


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