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How To Use Flashget Download File From Rapidshare

Rapidshare is file host site which hosting huge data that including media files, applications, and documents. Many people like search and download files from it, but it seems has some strict downloading rules, such as waiting time, only download file one by one, it does not support most popular downloaders. I already posted several articles talk about how to download files from Rapidshare. Today, I like share a trick that use Flashget to download file from Rapidshare.

Flashget is a very good downloader, but Rapidshare does not support it. But we can use a Firefox add-on to match Flashget downloader. First, you have to download Flashgot that is a Firefox add-on. After install and restart Firefox, open Flashget (download and install it if you do not have) and select Tools –> Option –> Site Manager.

Click “Add“ bar, add this: "" into URL line. Click OK –> OK. Now, go to Rapidshare file download link page that you want download. After click download link it will popup a small window, on save section just simply select “flashgot”, click OK.

It will popup a window of Flashget, and it automatically filled both bars "URL" and "Referrer". You have to do is to delete rest address after, like that "". Click "OK", it will download file at once.

That is all you have to do. I had try, first few times they were not working but finally it works fine.


Flashget是一个非常流行的下载器,但Rapidshare并不支持用它来下载文件。但是我们可以使用一个Firefox添加件组合Flashget来下载Rapidshare文件。首先,你需要下载Flashgot这个Firefox添加件。安装后重新启动Firefox,打开Flashget下载器(如果你没有的需要另行下载),在界面上选Tools(工具) –> Option(选项) –> Site Manager(网站管理器)。

点击“Add“按钮,添加""到“URL”栏中,然后点击OK –> OK。现在可以到你要下载的Rapidshare文件连接页面,点击下载后它会出现一个小窗口,你可以在保存部分选择使用“flashgot”,然后点击“OK"。

它会跳出一个Flashget窗口,它在两个部分"URL" and "Referrer"中自动输入了下载地址。你需要做的是在"Referrer"中删除http://xxx.rapidshare.com后面的地址,如""。点击“OK"后它会立刻开始下载文件。参看上面的截图。


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