Grab this Widget ~ Blogger Accessories

Web Links 04/10/09

Heypasteit - a web application that allows you paste something.

Odiogo - convert your blog to MP3 file similar with Read Speaker.

Piconote - an online notepad.

Iconfu - an easy to use free online icon editor, combined with an icon collection of over 12,000 free icons gathered from open-source collections around the world.

Issuu - publish your own e-magazine as professional.

Heypasteit - 一个在线程式可让你粘贴文本文件。

Odiogo - 将你的blog转换成MP3文件,与Read Speaker相同。

Piconote - 一个在线记事簿。

Iconfu - 一个非常容易使用的在线图标编辑器,它收集了超过1万2千个免费图标。

Issuu - 发布你自己的电子杂志,看上去如专业一样。

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