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Some Website Links 05/06/09

Ytdub - allows you dub Youtube videos, create your new video with fun.

Skip Screen - a free Firefox add-on that lets you skip all the clicking and waiting on some file hosing sites like RapidShare, Zshare, MegaUpload, and Sharebee. Your downloads start instantly.

Top of the Tubes - collects new and top videos from different video sites like Youtube, DailyMotion, Metacafe, and so on.

Crrncy - an online currency converter that convert four different currencies to each other, Euro, US Dollar,British Pound, and Swedish Kornor.

Web Wait - an online tool that test waiting time with different browsers for website.

Ytdub - 可以让你给Youtube视频合并配音,创建一个新的有趣的视频。

Skip Screen - 一个免费的Firefox添加件,它可以让你在一些文件储存网站上绕过所有点击等待,如RapidShare, Zshare, MegaUpload,以及Sharebee,无需等待你可以立刻下载文件。

Top of the Tubes - 收集各大视频网站上的最新和当前最流行的视频,如YoutubeDailyMotionMetacafe等等。

Crrncy - 一个在线货币转换器,可相互转换4种货币:欧元、美元、英镑和瑞典科奴。

Web Wait - 一个在线工具可用来测试不同浏览器浏览网站时的载入时间。

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