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Web Links 05/26/09

Albumreminder - a new web service that reminds you when your favorite artist release a new album.

Sow Me Html - a web tool that shows how to make web page in html.

Block A Country - quick make a .htaccess file that blocks viewers from that country in your website.

Imaginalaxy - a fun image site that allows you upload, share your photo with other people.

PipeBytes - a web service that helps you send a big file to your friends, receivers can download file at once while you starting upload.

Albumreminder - 一个网络服务网站,它可以在你喜欢的歌手发布新专辑时提醒你。

Sow Me Html - 一个网络工具,可以用html的方式显示网页元素,教你如何创建网页。

Block A Country - 快速创建一个.htaccess文件,它可以用在你的网站中禁止来自某个国家的浏览者进行浏览。

Imaginalaxy - 一个有趣的图片分享网站,可以让你上传和分享图片。

PipeBytes - 一个网络服务,它可以帮助你发送大文件给你的朋友,接收者可以在你上传文件的时候同时下载该文件。

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