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Web Links 08/30/09

Txtninja - a web tool that lets you convert text to image file. It is good for make anti-spam email address. - allows you upload any size file to its server and keep it 24 hours. It is good for send a big file to other people.

Two Foods - a website that lets you fill two foods and compare their nutrition.

Bethebot - a web tool that lets you to simulate Google bot or Yahoo bot to visit some hidden parts of site.

Friendpaste - similar web based note that lets you paste text and share with your friends.

Online Link Scan - an online tool allows you to scan for any suspicious link that might lead you to harmful threats which can attack your computer.

Txtninja - 一个在线工具,可将纯文本文字转换成图片文件。尤其适合制作反垃圾邮件的电子邮箱地址。 - 允许你上传人和大小的文件到它的服务器上,并保存24小时。适合发送大文件给他人。

Two Foods - 一个网络工具可让你比较两种食品的营养价值。

Bethebot - 一个网络工具,可模仿Google bot和Yahoo bot访问一些网站的隐藏部分。

Friendpaste - 与网络记事簿相似,可让你粘贴文本文字并与他人分享。

Online Link Scan - 一个在线工具,可让你扫描任何有问题的网络链接,以避免恶意网站对你的电脑进行伤害。

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