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Surf Website In Tor Network Without Tor Client

We know Tor is a very good online security tool that can protect your internet privacy including hide your online tracks. But for normal people, Tor seems a little bit hard to figure out. You have to download client, configure browser. Do we have a quick way to use Tor Network but no install any clients? The answer is Yes.

Pick A Proxy is a web based Tor proxy gateway, it lets you choose some premium Tor proxies that from around the world, hide your real IP address and protect your privacy. The best benefit is you do not have to install a Tor client but surf in Tor Network, that means you are still under coverage.

It offers many choices, like use special proxies that focus on one country, or use top 30 fast proxies, or most stable proxies, or use all proxies except one country. I think best way to use this web based Tor proxy gateway with a Firefox add-on - FoxyProxy together, it will make you much easier. Let me show you how to use it.

First, you have pick proxies from this page, you have many choices:
1, Random proxies
Server: Socks Port: 9050
2, Slightly faster random proxies
Server: Socks Port: 9250
3, More stable random proxies
Server: Socks Port: 9128
4, Top 30 fastest proxies
Server: Socks Port: 9230
5, Only USA proxies
Server: Socks Port: 9065
6, Only European proxies
Server: Socks Port: 9039
7, Only UK proxies
Server: Socks Port: 9066
If you do not want proxy from one country, like China:
Server: Socks Port: 19271

They can also set up http or https protocols, but after I tested that they are not stable, use socks is better than http protocol. If you like you can use a proxy pac file. Now, it is not support FTP or Gopher protocols. It also supports Hamachi VPN and Stunnel setting.

Check out these screenshots below.
Use Firefox

Use Firefox add-on FoxyProxy

After you all set you can go to this page for test your IP address. If you see this screenshot that means you are in Tor Network.

I must say, this web based Tor proxy gateway is not fast as Tor client, it works but not stable. I think it is an alternated Tor client. If you do not have Tor client you can use it to surf websites under Tor Network coverage.

我们知道Tor Network是一个非常好的在线安全工具,它可以保护你的网络隐私包括隐藏你的网络痕迹。但是,对一般用户来说Tor Network有点复杂。你需要下载一个客户端,对浏览器进行配置。我们是否有一条快速的方法不用安装客户端就能利用Tor Network呢?答案是:当然可以。

Pick A Proxy是一个在线Tor代理通道,它可以让你选择一些主要的来自世界各地的Tor代理,隐藏你的真实IP地址和保护网络隐私。它的最大好处是你无需安装Tor客户端也能使用Tor Network浏览网站,这意味着你在它的保护之下。

它提供很多选择,如使用特别来自某个国家的代理,或者使用最快速的30个代理,或者使用最稳定的代理,或者使用去除一个国家外的所有代理。我想使用这个基于在线的Tor代理通道最好与Firefox添加件 - FoxyProxy配合使用,这样会让你使用起来更简单。让我来展示如何使用它。

1, Random proxies(任意代理)
Server(服务器): Socks Port(端口): 9050
2, Slightly faster random proxies(比较快捷的任意代理)
Server(服务器): Socks Port(端口): 9250
3, More stable random proxies (最稳定的代理)
Server(服务器): Socks Port(端口): 9128
4, Top 30 fastest proxies (最快的30个代理)
Server(服务器): Socks Port(端口): 9230
5, Only USA proxies (只用美国代理)
Server(服务器): Socks Port(端口): 9065
6, Only European proxies (只用欧洲代理)
Server(服务器): Socks Port(端口): 9039
7, Only UK proxies (只用英国代理)
Server(服务器): Socks Port(端口): 9066
Server(服务器): Socks Port(端口): 19271

他们也可以设置为http或https协议,但经过我测试后发现他们并不稳定,使用socks远比使用http协议要好。如果你愿意的话还可以使用一个pac代理文件。目前,它还不能支持FTP和Gopher协议。不过它支持Hamachi VPNStunnel设置。


在你全部设置后可以到这个网页上测试你的IP位置,如果看到这个截图画面的话,这说明设置完全成功,你已经在使用Tor Network


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