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Share Text With Your Friends Online In Private Mode

Norbt is a web based service that helps you to create a text online. Compare to other similar services, Norbt give you a key to encrypt and decrypt the text, only use that key can read text. So this is a private text, you can create text online, and send a key to someone who you want he read.

It is a good tool for share text with friends, very easy to use, even it does not require register. Just click "create a norbt" button, create your text, setup a question and answer, create password. Click "Create" button, all done. You have a unique link that you can put on anywhere on internet, like email, web page, social network sites, twitter, instant message, chatting room.

Read text is also very easy, just fill answer into a bar, that instant display text if your answer is right, because it uses jajx. It is a cool tool.

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