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Some Video Channels Worth To Watch On Youtube

Two days ago, I have a post that introduced Youtube 4oD Channel, it offers British TV Channel 4 programs, so we can watch many TV shows on Youtube. Actually, Youtube has many channels, some channels are only for testing, some channels are already online for visitors. Now, let me tell these special channel on Youtube.

Music Discovery lets you to find some interesting music video, you can use a new search engine to search music on Youtube, and allows you to add your favorite music into a playlist.

Youtube Movie Channel offers many full movies, it covers some different subjects, from documentary to drama. Most movies have high quality model, you can also download it with high quality video.

Youtube Show, like movie channel, this channel offers some American TV programs, like Larry King Live, Anderson Cooper 360°, they are all from CNN.

Bollywood Movie, if you like watching Indian Bollywood movie this channel is good for you.

HTML5, a test new video player without flash plugin. It only supports a few browsers like Google Chrome, Apple Safari (version 4+), and Microsoft Internet Explorer with Google Chrome Frame installed.

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