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Webpage-Tunnel, Another Easy Way To Build Your Personal Proxy Server

I have an article that tells you How to build your personal proxy, you can easy to make a simple web based php proxy server for yourself. Actually, it has another similar way - India Web Proxy, it also uses a php proxy server and a java client. But compare to APJP, India Web Proxy seems a little bit difficult to figure out. Fortunately, a Chinese guy make this application much easier than before, and it also changed name - Webpage-Tunnel.

Webpage-Tunnel has two parts: one is for your web server that called "proxy.php", so you have to simple upload it to your web server. It only requires web hosting has php supporting. Another parts is a java client that can be running in your local machine. Simple click "webpage-tunnel", it will automatically configure everything, in a new window you can see this interface below, it is a Chinese version, I translate main buttons to English.

Actually, you only have to do two steps, first step is type your web server address where you upload "proxy.php" file into address bar, click "Start" button. Second step is change your browser Network Connection to All done, you can get on roads now.

Download Webpage-Tunnel here.

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