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Share Your Public Email With Everyone

Maybe you are confusing about this subject: why we have to share email with everyone? Actually, we do not have to share our private email with other people, but many people like send chain emails by use CC:, so everyone who on the sending list can see your real email address. It is a really bad behavior, attracts more spam mails.

Cc:Everybody is a web service that offers a good way that lets you to share your public email with everyone safely and easily. How does it work? First, you can create a new email address with that will assign your real email address. You can give this email address to everyone who wants share email in public place. If someone sent your email to your inbox, it will go to your real email inbox, you can make two choose: 1). Do nothing, keep it private. 2). Reply mail, it will publish on your public email inbox with
Cc:Everybody page, you can publish it.

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