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Your Web News Photo Market

Spy Media International is a company that base on San Francisco Bay area. It is a news photo marketplace for everyone online. Spy Media is simple and easy to use, as users can upload and sell electronic photos from their cameras and phones in less than 90 seconds. Both consumers and professional photographers alike can then sell their photos at a price they set through Spy Media, which also offers media outlets the quickest route to the largest pool of uncensored news photos.

Spy Media International是一家位於加州舊金山灣的公司。它是一個在線以普通人都可以作新聞照片交易的地方。Spy Media的超作非常簡單容易,用戶可以上傳銷售他們的照片。個人和商業用戶都通過Spy Media來標價銷售他們的新聞照片,而且它也提供一個沒有限制的新聞照片來源的渠道。

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