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AVG Anti-Virus Professional Version For Free

AVG is an anti-virus technology company, that offers different anti-virus softwares including AVG free version. Now, it gives away AVG Anti-Virus Pro version that costs $29.95 but you can download it without pay a penny. Computer Active has a direct download link, but I had try it seems too busy, I could not connect that server. According to Cybernetnews report, it also has another two download links:Megaupload and Rapidshare. This free download offer may expires at 17/01/2008. If you want download it you need hurry up.
via Download Squad

AVG是一个反病毒技术公司,它推出多种版本的反病毒软件包括免费版。现在,它提供专业版本免费下载,它的零售价是29.95美元,这样你就可以使用AVG Anti-Virus Pro而无需支付一分钱。Computer Active的网站上有一个下载链接,但我试了一下不能连上服务器,可能是服务器太繁忙。据Cybernetnews报道,它还有两外两个下载链接:MegauploadRapidshare。这个免费下载可能持续到2008年1月17日为止。如果你要下载的话请尽快动手。

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