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Mediamaster, A Personal Online Music Liberary

Mediamaster is an online music server that lets you store, play, and share music online. It is a web based music collection place, you can use two ways upload your music from your computer, one is single track upload, another is drag your songs to fold of uploader. After that, you can create and manage playlists, rate songs, and share your music with others with embeddable widgets for blogs, Web sites, and social networking profiles. Mediamaster has a nice interface, it matchs iTunes and Windows Media Player if you use them, upload songs from them. It supports unprotceted MP3, WMA, and M4A (AAC) file, but no way to download them.

Mediamaster是一个在线音乐服务网站,它可以让你在线储存、播放、和分享音乐。它是一个基于在线的音乐收集地,你可以用两种方法从你的电脑中上传歌曲和专辑。一是单个曲子上传;二是用拖拉的方式直接将曲目拖到它的上传器的文件夹中。之后,你可以建立和管理播放列表、给歌曲打分和用widget镶入到网站中与他人分享。Mediamaster有一个非常不错的界面,与iTunes和Windows Media Player相吻合,可以很方便地从这些装置中上传歌曲。它支持没有保护层的MP3、WMA和M4A (AAC)格式的音乐文件,但没有任何方法可以下载曲子。

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