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Get One Year Free Registration Code Of System Mechanic

I read a blog from Raymond that talk about how to get System Mechanic registration license code. I wonder how did he get this kind information. He always first one to get free stuff.

System Mechanic is a system software from Iolo. It is a very useful all-in-one software for people who want maintain their computer, it automatically repairs errors and fragmentation, cleans out clutter, and tunes up your PC so that it runs smoothly, reliably, and up to 300% faster. This software for everyone who are not a geek.

How to get it for free? Just follow these steps you will done.

Visit this page and click Continue button. I had a hard time to do this step, because I did not see any button on this page. You should closed your firewall (I did that).

You should see a page with the Item Code SM6-007, Description System Mechanic 6 Free Download Offer with the order total showing $0.00. Click Secure Checkout button (maybe wait a moment).

Enter your information that including name, address, email and so on. click Continue button.

After review order page, click Place Order button. That all done, you should get an email with software code.

Now, you can download this software, and put your code into serial bar while you install it. All set.

This is System Mechanic is version 6, the newest is 7 which supports Windows Vista.

我在Raymond的blog上读了一篇有关介绍如何获取免费System Mechanic软件的注册码。我想知道他是如何获取这方面的信息的,他总是第一个得到免费注册码。

System Mechanic是一个来自Iolo的一个系统软件。它是一个非常实用的系统软件,可以让人们自如地维护系统,自动纠正错误,磁盘整理,清理坏碎片,以及提高电脑运行速度达300%。这个软件适合每个人,并非提供给那些专业人士使用。



在随后的页面上可以看到这些信息:Item Code SM6-007, Description System Mechanic 6 Free Download Offer,以及订单金额为$0.00。然后点击Secure Checkout(可能要等待一点时间)。


再下面的确认页面点击Place Order按钮。这样就完成了,你会收到一封附有该软件的注册码。


这是System Mechanic版本6,它的最新版本为7,可以支持Windows Vista。

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