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Tor Browser, Through Out Great Firewall

China has huge internet users, but government wants build an individual network that separated from outside the World Wide Web. Chinese people called that it is a Great Firewall, and government calls that Golden Shield Project. People want use different ways to through out this big wall, proxy, VPN, anonymous software, Tor.

A German website has a project that called Tor Browser, it puts Tor and Firefox browser together, you can install it with your USB flash drive. It is similar XeroBank, OperaTor. You can open application to go without configuration. The browser connects Tor network automatically, so you can use it through out the great firewall to surf outside the world. It is not only for Chinese people, it is also for anyone who wants surf internet unrestricted.

You can click here download it.

Tor Browser is a multilingual software, its default interface uses Deutsch, you can change language in option. Look at a screenshot below, click red parts to change language.

It is easy to use. After you installed software ( you can install it anywhere in computer or a USB flash drive),click "Start Tor Browser", it opens a small window that is Tor client. Wait a moment, first time maybe a little bit longer. After Statue bar is full it will automatic open Firefox browser. If this small onion change to green color that means your computer is connected Tor network.

Now, you can surf internet unrestricted.

The default Firefox is Deutsch version, if you want use other language version you can go to Portableapps download your favorite language version. To instead of Deutsch version just deleted it and put new version that you downloaded into same FirefoxPortable folder.

Notice: you need change browser's network access, go "Tool" - "Options" - "Advanced", in "Network" section click "Settings" open another window, choose "Manual proxy configuration".

HTTP Proxy: localhost Port:8118
SSL Proxy: localhost Port:8118
SOCKS Host: localhost Port:9050
Choose SOCKS v5. Click "OK" button, all done. See screenshot below.


有一个德国网站有一个项目Tor Browser,主要目的是帮助中国网民穿越网络长城,它将Tor网络和Firefox结合在一起,你可以将其安装在U盘上。类似XeroBank, OperaTor这样的浏览器。你可以直接打开软件不需要象安装Tor那样进行配置,它会自动连接Tor网络直接匿名浏览网站。这并非专门为中国用户所配置,任何想匿名浏览网络的用户都可以使用。


Tor Browser是一个多语言软件,但它的原始设定界面为德语,你可以在选项中进行更改。可参考上面的截图。

它使用起来也很简单,安装软件后(可安装在任何位置或者U盘上),可点击"Start Tor Browser"打开软件,一个小窗口会出现,它是Tor客户端。等待一会(第一次可能比较长一点),当它的状态栏全部满后它会自动打开Firefox浏览器。小洋葱会转为绿色,这意味你的客户端已经与Tor网络连接上了。


Tor Browser中的Firefox浏览器是德语版,你可以将其换成你喜欢的语言版本,只要删除原来的版本,到Portableapps上下载其他语言版本,目前的版本是3.05,然后将其替换原来的FirefoxPortable文件夹即可。

注意:在替换新的语言版本的Firefox后必须要更改浏览器中的网络连接设置,“工具” —— “选项” —— “展开”,在“网络”中点击“设置”,选“手动设置代理”,在HTTP代理和SSL代理中中输入localhost,端口输入8118。在SOCKS Host中输入localhost,端口为9050。选SOCKS v5。最后点确认按钮即可。可参考上面截图。

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