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Web Links 12/04

Melt Mail - a temporary email forwarding service, that allows you setup time to forward your email, after that dump it.

My Cool SMS - it offers sand text message to cellphone for free, only supports 10 countries now. Take a look if your country on list.

Morphthing - an online tool that combines two faces into one. Just for fun.

Convert PDF To Word - look this name you know what it doing. An online converter turns PDF To Word file.

Web Notes - another useful web tool that lets you notate, organize and share your annotations with other people.

Melt Mail - 一个临时电子邮件转发服务,允许你设定时间来转发邮件,过后即可抛弃。

My Cool SMS - 提供免费发送短信到移动电话上,目前仅支持10个国家。看一下,你所在的地区是否支持,中文地区有台湾。

Morphthing - 一个在线工具,可将两张脸合成一个。比较有趣。

Convert PDF To Word - 看到这个名字就知道它是干什么的。一个在线转换器,可将PDF转为Word文件。

Web Notes - 另一个有用的在线工具在线随手贴,可让你注解、管理并与他人分享你的在线随手贴。

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