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Use Torrent Download Music Album With is a new music site but it is a little bit special that allows you use torrent way to download music album. It is a new site so it still need improve its database. It also lets you search files with a simple search bar, or you can browse file by genres, like rock, jazz, classical...

If you want check singers you can browse artists by name, it has a brief information about singer or album. It is a free service and you can download music album without register an account. It also allows you upload your torrent file. The good point is if you only want download music album maybe this site is good for you, because it is very clear only for download music album, and uses BitTorrent downloader.

Coda.fm是一个新的音乐网站,但是它有点特殊,就是可以用变态下载的方法来下载音乐专辑。这是一个新网站,仍然需要改善它的数据库。它可以让你用一个搜索条来搜索音乐,或者用分类的方式浏览音乐文件,如摇滚、爵士、古典... ...


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