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Website Links 01/02/09

Dabble Board - online whiteboard, an easy way to collaborated with co-worker or friends.

Finetuna - upload document and photo to share with friends.

Edicy - easy way to create website without skill.

Resnooze - a simple reminder, just fill email address and letters or website address.

Kookies - an online tool that makes your own fortune cookies and send it to your friends. Make fun!

Dabble Board - 在线白板,一个简单地方法与同事或朋友合作编辑图画或文件。

Finetuna - 上传文件或图片与朋友共享。

Edicy - 一个简单的方法来创建网站。

Resnooze - 一个简单的提醒服务器,只要输入文字或网站地址,以及电子邮件地址,选择一个接收时间即可。

Kookies - 在线工具,让你制作自己的幸运饼干,并发送给朋友。娱乐朋友和自己。

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