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Use A Desktop Client To Play Music From Youtube

Many people like music, we can get it from internet, Youtube has a big music data, so we can get it for free.

Muziic offers a desktop client that can search and play music from Youtube. Just simply type the name of the song or artist you wish to listen into the player's search bar, Muziic will search all related music from Youtube.

What is difference of play Youtube music between regular media players and Muziic? Regular media players only allow you to import and play music from your own collection, Muziic streams all of your favorite songs directly to you. You can register an account, make play list, and play music.

I had download Muziic but I could not open this player, it shows me an error message. Does anybody has this experience? Muziic also offers another application that called Muziic Encoder, it helps you convert MP3 music to .flv format, you can add picture into music for its cover.



用一般媒体播放器和Muziic播放器来播放Youtube音乐有什么不同?普通媒体播放器只能从自己的收藏库中来导出和播放,而Muziic播放器可以直接从该服务器上你的收藏中导入和播放音乐。你可以注册一个账户,创建自己的播放列表,以及播放音乐。Muziic还提供另一个软件,它叫Muziic Encoder,可以帮助你将MP3音乐转为.flv格式,你还可以添加一个照片来作为音乐封面。


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