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Take One Year License Of System Shield 3 Internet Security For Free

IOIO is a computer system & security software company, it has some very good software that protect your computer system. System shield 3 Internet security is one of this kind of software, it blocks and removes virus, eradicates dangerous spyware, repairs security flaws, detects and stops hijacking programs, and prevents hackers from infiltrating your computer. It is a commercial software that costs about $49.95, but now you can have a free one year license of System shield 3 Internet security for free.

It is simple to follow steps below you can get it:

1, Go to this page and click on "Continue" button.

2, You will see a page that list product costs $49.95, but reduced $0.00. Click "Secure Checkout" button.

3, It displays a form that you have to fill your some information, like name, address, city, country, area code, and email address. After done that click "Review Order" button.

4, You can see a sheet that lists your order and also show you pay $0.00. Click "Submit Order" button.

5, All done, you can see your order number. You can check your email make sure you got a email with register code. It shows you have 1 year free license key for 3 PCs.

6, Download System shield 3 Internet security. While installing choose “I own System Shield 3 and can enter my serial number later” option and enter your serial number that you got from email. Now you have one year free license for use System shield 3 Internet security.

IOIO是一个电脑系统和安全软件公司,它有不少相当不错的软件可以用来保护你的电脑系统。System shield 3 Internet security就是其中的一个,它可以屏蔽和移除病毒、根除危险的间谍软件、修复安全漏洞、侦测和防止挟持软件,以及防止黑客进入你的电脑。这是一个商业软件,价值49.95美元,不过现在你可以免费得到一年的System shield 3 Internet security使用期。


1, 首先,到这个网页,点击"Continue"按钮。

2, 你会看到页面上列出的产品价值49.95美元,但同时也减到0.00美元。点击"Secure Checkout"按钮。

3, 有一个表格需要填写,包括姓名、地址、城市、国家、邮政编号和电子邮件地址,完成之后可点击"Review Order"按钮。

4, 你可以看到的网页上列出0.00美元。点击"Submit Order"按钮。

5, 完成后你可看到一个定购的号码,之后检查你的电子邮箱,里面附带产品注册码的邮件,它会显示这个注册码可以在3台电脑上使用一年。

6, 下载System shield 3 Internet security。在安装时选择“I own System Shield 3 and can enter my serial number later”,然后输入你在电子邮件中得到的注册码。现在你就可以免费使用System shield 3 Internet security一年。


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